Drop•Rename is a fast and powerful renaming tool. It allows you to rename files or folders with a variety of options. You can search for a string in a filename and replace it with another string. Insert a string anywhere in a filename. Remove a string or a specific number of characters from anywhere within a filename. Change the case of a filename or capitalize only the first letter of each word. Sequentially number multiple items with a variety of options. Truncate filenames to MS-DOS format or to a specific length and optionally remove vowels. Each of these options can be applied multiple times and more than one operation can be done at once. Each rename action can be conditional so that certain criteria must be met before the rename action is executed. It's fully multi-threaded so it won't hog the CPU and operates flawlessly in the background or while you're using other parts of the application. Best of all, you can also create Renamelets, customized self-running applications for common operations you perform.
What does Drop•Rename require to run?
Drop•Rename should run on any Macintosh running System 7.x.x with the Thread Manager or System 7.5.x (which has the Thread Manager built-in). It has been tested on a PowerMac 9500, PowerMac 8500, PowerMac 6100/60, PowerCurve 601/120, and a Macintosh IIfx with the following System's: System 7.5.3, 7.5.2, 7.5.1, 7.1.2, and 7.1.1 with and without System Update 1.0 and 2.0.
How do I use Drop•Rename?
Using Drop•Rename is simple. Drop any file, folder, or mixture of the two onto the Drop•Rename icon. You will be presented with a dialog with which you can setup your rename criteria, describing how you want the files renamed.
•••IMPORTANT: If you can't drop anything onto the Drop•Rename icon, try rebuilding your desktop.
Here's descriptions of each type of rename action:
Allows you to search for a string and replace it with another string, in a filename. You have the option to ignore case or make it case sensitive. You can also specify if you would like the filename to be searched and replaced recursively to replace every occurrence of the search string, not just the first one. You can also do wildcard searches.
Allows you to insert or append a string to a filename. You can insert the string anywhere in the filename, at the beginning, at the end, at an offset from the beginning of the filename, or at an offset from the end of the filename.
Allows you to remove a string from a filename or remove a specific number of characters from a filename. When removing a string, you have the option to ignore case or make it case sensitive. You can also specify if you would like to remove recursively to remove every occurrence of the search string, not just the first one. When removing a specific number of characters, you have the option to remove the characters from the beginning of the filename, from the end of the filename, from an offset from the beginning of the filename, or from an offset from the end of the filename. You can also do wildcard removes.
Change Case:
Allows you to change the case of the filename to UPPERCASE, lowercase, or to capitalize the beginning of each word. You can also change the first letter of the filename to uppercase and change the rest to lowercase as well as changing the first letter of the filename to uppercase and ignoring the rest.
Allows you to sequentially number a group of items. You can start the numbering from any number and have it incremented by any number. The number can be inserted anywhere within the filename, at the beginning, at the end, at an offset from the beginning of the filename, or at an offset from the end of the filename. You have the option to pad the number with leading zeros so the number order is still maintained. You can also specify a base filename that all files will be renamed to and then numbered. This allows you to number a group of items to the same name with each only differing by their number. You can also increment backwards.
Allows you to truncate a filename to MS-DOS format or to a specific number of characters. Truncating to MS-DOS format will remove any characters MS-DOS doesn't handle and will make sure the filename does not exceed the 8 character + 3 character extension limit. You can also truncate a filename to a specific length. Both types of truncation allow you to remove all vowels from the filename. Many times vowels can be removed from a filename to shorten it while still remaining legible.
Balloon help is also extensively supported so check that out if you need more help while you're using the application.
What is an Renamelet?
A Renamelet is a customized self-running application that you can create with Drop•Rename. Renamelet can save you a lot of time and effort by encapsulating common operations you may perform into a single application that requires no setup. Just drop the files you want to process on the icon and that's it. For example, if you frequently remove the ".sit" and ".cpt" from files, you could create a Renamelet for it so you don't have to type that information into Drop•Rename each time. You can also make it conditional so that, for example, only files of type 'TEXT' will be renamed, etc... Multiple rename actions can be put into a Renamelet, in fact, anything you can do with Drop•Rename can be done in a Renamelet. The possibilities are endless!
How much does Drop•Rename cost?
Drop•Rename is shareware, which means if you like it and continue to use it, you should pay for it.
The cost is $10 for a single-user license, $200 for a site license (unlimited use at a single site), and $1000 for a world-wide site license (unlimited use at as many sites as you need). All prices and options are shown in the Register application.
If you purchased a previous version of Drop•Rename, this update is free.
How do I pay for Drop•Rename?
To register, run the Register application, included in this package (or contact me and I'll send it to you), to fill out the registration form. Once you've filled it out, you have 3 options for paying:
1) Print it and send it, together with your payment, to Kagi Shareware at:
Kagi Shareware
1442-A Walnut Street #392-BB
Berkeley, California 94709-1405
This address is also on the registration form that the Register application prints.
2) E-Mail it by clicking "Copy" in the Register application and pasting it into the body of your e-mail message to:
3) Fax it by printing it then faxing the printed registration form to this number:
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at SouthSide@kagi.com.
The payment options are shown in the Register application. You can pay with cash (in many currencies), check, credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or AmEx), or various other forms of payment (check out the Register application for other forms of payment).
Once you have registered, click “I Have Paid” in the preferences dialog to register the application and stop the About dialog from coming up each time you use the application.
Can I distribute Drop•Rename?
Yes, please do! You may distribute this application anyway you want as long as you include the documentation and Register application and do not charge for it. Reasonable media and distribution costs excluded. I want as many people to get this as possible.
Aren't you afraid people will use it and not pay for it?
No. Obviously, there’s no way I can tell if you’re using this application without paying for it nor would I even want to know. I do not believe in copy protection in any form for a number of reasons but, most importantly cause copy protection shows an unjustified distrust for the user. This is why there is no protection in this application, any other software I’ve written or will write in future. I do have a simple reminder that this application is shareware and should be purchased, if use is continued but, as stated above, clicking the “I Have Paid” checkbox in the preferences dialog removes this reminder. I feel this is the best method as I want the user to understand this application is shareware and requires a fee but, also do not want to annoy the user with copy protection that implies the user is not trustworthy and must show proof of payment. Your word is good enough for me.
What did you use to create Drop•Rename?
Drop•Rename was written in C and C++ using Metrowerks CodeWarrior. Resources were created and edited with Resorcerer. Finder icons for Drop•Rename were created by AP.
Do you have anyone to thank?
Too many to name them all but, here's a few:
Chris Larson (larson@cs.ucla.edu) for his Finder Progress Bar 2.0 CDEF.
AP for creating the icons, suggestions, and testing.
John Norstad for releasing the source code to NewsWatcher. It has helped me enormously.
Peter N. Lewis for helping with the thread communication code along with other general help.
Dr. Fred Condo and Dennis Hescox at Lightside for helping with programming and providing Internet access.
Kagi Shareware for providing an excellent service for shareware authors.
All the people on CSMP and everyone who sent me thanks, problems, suggestions, and help.
And many more to come...If you'd like to see other applications, contact me with the specifications and I'll give it a shot.
Where can I contact you?
If you like this program or even think it sucks, let me know. I always answer my mail so, if you don't get a response, I may not have received it and you should send it again.
For help or information about this application and/or SouthSide Software, send mail to SouthSide@kagi.com.
For information about Kagi Shareware and/or the Register application, send mail to shareware@kagi.com.